Wills & Probate


Representing our clients with Professionalism, Empathy and Integrity.

Wills & Probate Legal Assistance

Everyone should make a Will to ensure that those closest to them receive exactly what you wish them to receive and should then review it every 5 or 10 years to make sure it does not need alteration, as your circumstances may change and so do the tax laws.

A straightforward Will is not as expensive as some imagine and it provides you with the piece of mind that comes from having your affairs covered in a valid legal document. If you make your own Will mistakes could easily happen, which can lead to serious problems and financial losses for those whom you intend to benefit from your estate.

Appointing Guardians for your Children in your Will.
If you pass away and the other parent of your children survives, the surviving parent will normally continue to have full responsibility for the children. However, if neither parent survives then the guardians you have appointed will take on the responsibility for your children. If you fail to appoint guardians in your Will, the courts will appoint them for you, but they will not necessarily choose the people that you would have preferred to take care of your children. By appointing guardians you can ensure that your children are looked after by the people that you have chosen as the best people for the job.

A trust is a legal arrangement where one or more ‘trustees’ are made legally responsible for holding assets. The assets – such as land, money, buildings, shares or even antiques – are placed in trust for the benefit of one or more ‘beneficiaries’.

The trustees are responsible for managing the trust and carrying out the wishes of the person who has put the assets in trust (the settlor). The settlors’ wishes for the trust are usually written in their Will or set out in a legal document called a ‘trust deed’.

Trusts may be set up for a number of reasons, for example:

  • to control and protect family assets.
  • when someone is too young to handle their affairs.
  • when someone can not handle their affairs as they are incapacitated.
  • to pass on money or assets when you die under the terms of your will, known as a ‘Will Trust.’

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